Almost Certain
Opening Weekend:
- Thorpe Park for the new Derren Brown designed ride!
UK Trips:
- Alton Towers for whatever they have up their sleeve for AIR!
- Blackpool for Skyforce!
European Trips:
- Phantasialand Weekener because Taron and Black Mamba
Other Possibles
- Northern England Long Weekend (Flamingo Land, Lightwater Valley and Blackpool)
- Southern England Long Weekend (Southend Pleasurebeach, Margate Dreamland (Scenic Railway), Chessington, Thorpe Park)
- Tayto Park for a Weekend of drinking Guinness and maybe a rollercoaster thrown in for good measure...
- Trips with the ECC (next years trip list is TBC bar their USA tour which I can't afford!)
- Kolm??rden Wildlife Park for Wildfire
Thoughts? Availability? Concerns?