... ?tid=16115
Brtnboarders rate is, once again, an underrate.
He's been doing this a lot lately, but this one just tops it all...
Downrating to a 5 becouse there was no ejector on a B&M hyper? And headchoppers?
Excuse me, but I have yot to see a B&M mega with a lot of headchoppers and ejector airtime all over the place.
Also, no idea what he ment with "there's no wild turns". Did he mean wild turns, like the turning hill, turnaround, helix after the MCB or the helix before the final brake? Hmm
His Originality department was pretty much BS too...
TMV tryed to capture the realistyc feel of a B&M hyper, and B&M hypers don't really do much of the crazy stuff.
Also he pretty much contradicts himself, by first saying that there was nothing original, than adding a number of things that he found original, and than pointing out that there was nothing really original about his ride again.
Well, that was my rant, I hope you consider it...