I complain about how cold it has been in Eastern Pennsylvania, but this is probably nothing compared to the temperatures this winter in Shakopee, Minnesota. That hasn't stopped Valleyfair from working on their 2015 Soak City expansion, with the park even building a temporary cover over the work site just to be able to pour concrete! Take that, snow.
The progress has led the park to now have most of the support structure standing for their new six slide tower which includes the Breakers Pipeline and Breakers Plunge.
While the park assembles the tower structure, they've also started to receive the slide pieces themselves. This picture is from several weeks ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if the slides are already started to be assembled on the ground while the tower is finished up. When complete the new tower will offer four slides that start with a floor-dropping plunge, and another two high speed slides that start at a towering 90 feet above the ground.
Valleyfair fans have been able to keep up with the Soak City expansion via the park's live webcam, which shows work continuing on this sunny Saturday. The new slide tower can be seen in the background, with the run-out area currently covered in snow. The second Soak City addition, Barefoot Beach, can be seen in the lower part of the image. This will be a children's play area, filled with spraying elements and other fun for little ones.
Hopefully the weather will break soon, and then we'll see slide pieces going up and work continuing even faster.
credit newsplusnotes