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Vienna (with Prater!) - Trip report!

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Post October 16th, 2008, 12:24 pm

Posts: 1674
Points on hand: 196.00 Points
Location: Zelezniki, Slovenia

So, yeah, I'm going to Vienna tomorrow!
More precisely at 5am in the morning, and the bus will be waiting in a town, 18km from here, so that means I'll have to get up at liek 3:30...

Well, anyway, I'm going with my school, so that gives me a little limitations.
For instance, I won't be able to go to prater if the weather isn't pretty, and I won't be able to stay there as long as I'd like to...

The good thing is, we'll be going tomorrow vening, so if all goes right, I'm probably going to be able to get some nice night time piccies, and some POVs from the crazy park...
And, yes, that park is totally insane, but also very pricey...

They have rides, like the 60m tall starflyer (no, I won't be riding that, I'm kinda scared of heighths), a 70m S&S shot'n'drop, a slingshot, with the highest point at 90m, a side friction "hochschaubahn" woody, an awesome boomerang, Extazy, the crazy lightning swing thingy, Volare, ...
So, yeah, fun!

Well, if ya'll want me, I'll post the pics here, maybe even write a trip report, but if there's no interest, I won't bother...

Well, g2g pack now, cyaa![:D]
Last edited by Vid_w on October 23rd, 2008, 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post October 16th, 2008, 12:49 pm

Posts: 2077
Points on hand: 4,765.00 Points
Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

I've always been pretty interested in Prater so I'd like to see some pics from your trip. I'm also curious to know about how the Boomerang's new trains ride, they look very interesting. Have fun at the park!

Post October 16th, 2008, 12:58 pm

Posts: 1674
Points on hand: 196.00 Points
Location: Zelezniki, Slovenia

Yeah, prater is a damn nice park! Just a shame it's so expensive...
I mean, the cheapest thrill ride is like 2.5#8364;... That's around 4$ I think...
I've been to prater earlier this year, and I've ridden boomerang... I gotta say, with the new OTSR-less trains, the ride is pure fun!

BTW, here's my video of Extasy in action...
One screwed up ride indeed...
Watch in high quality!

Post October 16th, 2008, 1:37 pm

Posts: 136
Points on hand: 65.00 Points
Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Yeah, they say the boomerang is really good with the new trains. I heard lots of good things about it.

Have fun Vid!

Love to see some pictures when your back.

Post October 23rd, 2008, 3:28 pm

Posts: 1674
Points on hand: 196.00 Points
Location: Zelezniki, Slovenia

Ok, I've been back since sunday, but had absolutely no time...
So, here's a trip report...

Day 1:

So, we gathered at 4:50am in front of our school, and at 5:00 we took of.
The 6 (ish) hour drive was really cool, since most of the people, including me were singers, and we also had some musicians! So, no boredom here!
Well, after coming to Vienna, or Wien or Dunaj, however you might call it, we first stopped at the museums, and saw the "naturhistorisches" and the "kunsthistorisches" museum. Than we took a walk around "Hoffburg", which is the strict center of Vienna, and where all the royal residences and stuff are located.
Than we saw the "Kaisergruft", which translates to the emperor tomb. It's actually the place, where all the Habsburg emperors are buried. Well, burried might be a bit "?????????bertrieben", as the Austrians would say. There's actually like 100 sarcophagy and coffins just standing there, without any glass or anything... Some of them are not even behind a little fence, and you could just go touch them and stuff. The place was really creepy, and I almost got a claustrophobic seisure, even tho I am not claustrophobic otherwise... It's also dimly lit, and that even adds to the creepyness. The fact that the last person who is burried there died in 2007 doesn't help either...
Well, later we went to see the Steffannsdom, or the St. Steffan Cathedral, which is a really magnificent building.
Than we had 2 hours of free time, and we could do whatever we want. Most of us grabbed some lunch. It was my first time eating at Burger king, and all I got to say is:
Burger King > McDonalds
So, towards the evening we went to our hotel to unpack, and to prepare ourselves for the highlight of the day: The Wiener Prater!
Unfortunately, the stupid staff only let us be there for like 1 hour..
The reason, you ask?
I quote:
This park is really dangerous, and it's known that many people have died here, especially on that roller coaster, with the loop de loop, and that fast one, which goes like 170kph.

I was completely speechless, and baffeled becouse I had absolutely no idea abourt where they got that info from...
I started arguing, but they said that if we were to argue with them, they would cut the time even more...
SO, I just had to settel for 1 hour and 10 minutes...
Well, as it turned out, 1 hour was quite enough to hit all the rides I wanted, that were working. Well, I could, if it wasn't for that damn fried fish we got for dinner before we left from the hotel...
So, I only got to ride The Megablitz, Volare, Extasy and Dizzy Mouse...
Rides I wanted to ride, but were closed:
-Space shot
-the S&S screaming swings
-the classic wild mouse
-Discovery (afterburner)

Rides I wanted to ride, that were open, and I didn't get to:
-Top Spin
-Turbo Booster
-Tornado (the crazy lightning swing thingy)
-The big ferris wheel
-Super 8erbahn

Well, later we raturned to the hotel, and had some fun till like 2 in the morning, and than went to bed...

So, this was day 1, days 2 and 3 + some piccies coming soon!

Post October 23rd, 2008, 4:44 pm

Posts: 183
Points on hand: 1,575.00 Points
Location: Pijnacker, Netherlands

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