I wanted to be an English major and work on poetry. I've been told I am rather good. I enjoy my english and literature classes in my university, however now that I am 21, I no longer want to be that. I don't know what I want to be know, Psychology interests me greatly. I took about 6 courses in junior college on psychology, while still in high school (yes, call me a nerd) and I passed all the classes with an A [:p] and also I was really attracted to the cognitive part of psychology and motor impulses and crapola, else I want to have my own business, like a 99 cent store and run one of those. I could, problems is the location to place one. Location is the key to a succesful business, where location = demand for a store of that type, then one provides and bam, you've got $, however I do like the business aspects of a career, but I greatly and immensely hate the management and marketing classes I took in my university. It's taking me long to finish school because I am uncertain of what I want. So there.