I still have two complaints about it (used to be four).
1) I will start by saying, that the update was WAY over-hyped and did not deliver anything worth mentioning. And by the way, before anyone starts to hit reply to me I will say this for the record: Shuttle coasters byte in real life as well as in the editor; so get don't even come to the defense of them. They are boring and kill riders waiting in the queue since there is only one train and takes forever to load and unload. Especially the same old design (like "Flashback" from SFOT) where you get pulled up backwards, released through the station, go into a cobra roll, loop, then up a lift and release to go backwards.
2) The other gripe revolves around one word, "training". The training on this system is poor, as usual, and it is sad that the "non-accomplished designers" get no help except the phrase "practice makes perfect" ..... and this of course spawns the accomplished designers to look down their noses on those that do not have hours on end to sit and perfect the editor. New designers get no help or assistance, and while some folks are willing to test and make suggestions, it all comes down to the designer hitting the keys and clicking the buttons and without a good training module we all lose the potential to really perfect designs and continue on hap-hazarding posting stuff that really could be better with more competent training.
Let me give an example. Go to the tutorial site for NL and try to find the word "pumping". It ain't there. Why not? Why not tell folks about one of the most critical aspects of designing smooth coasters? It is a shame that training is not better organized is all I am saying.
Originally posted by riscit
Interesting - most all of the "feature X is worse because of Y reason" statements can be attributed to the person not understanding how something works or of a new bahavior.
And um ... that sounds like a reference to the "cause and effort" principles ... just done poorly. [:D]
All tied up, 1.5 is a disappointment, personally. If I had to pay for the update, I would have been furious. Although Real is correct that there are plenty of nice new things added in here, training of how to use them still falls VERY short, IMO.
OK, I'm done.