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What I thought about Cedar Point

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post August 3rd, 2004, 10:28 am

Posts: 434
Points on hand: 664.00 Points
I just recently got back from Cedar Point. It was on July 26. The trip was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. It was a trip with lots of firsts. I went with 5 other people, but only 2 of them and I wanted to go on the rides. The rest of the group just spent the day at the camp snoopy area of the park I decided that I was going to buy a t shirt of whatever the tallest ride was that I would go on that day.

Here's what I thought of the park:
First I rode Raptor, which had about a 45 minute wait. I couldn't believe people were getting drinks for $2.75 from the soda machines. I found the employee drink machines with $0.50 drinks behind the arcade, but they were behind a fence that said, employees only. I should have known everyone would run for that cause its the first ride you see besides Demon Drop. The ride was incredibly smooth. It was my very first time riding an inverted seat coaster. Then, ignoring Blue Streak, I headed on over to Disaster transport (my very first bobsled coaster) , because I saw that It had an intensity rating of 5. I thought it was 5 out of 10, but I later found out it was 5 out of 5. Disaster transport should have been a 3, not a 5.I couldn't even tell what the theme was supposed to be. A haunted house in a nuclear space warehouse??? The queue line was annoying with all of those loud noises, but at least it was short. I couldn't wear my glasses on the ride to see all of the special effects, but I didn't care, because they were stupid anyway. Then we just wandered around the park until we came upon Wildcat (my first ever ride on a Schwarzkopf), because I wanted to work my way up to the larger roller coasters. Wildcat had about a 45 minute line. It was not all that thrilling. It just reminded me of a wild mouse, ony more tame. I didn't understand why they had a small lift on the top of every single hill. The supports of the ride looked flimsy, but I guess they were sufficient. I tried to go to the diving show, but it was closed due to wind. It was about lunchg time, so I went over to the fronteir trail to get some kind of german sausage. The waiting line for food took longer than most of the roller coaster lines. While I was eating it started to rain. I headed back toward the front of the park to try to find Gemini, because I was stupid and didn't know how to read the map. I looked more closely, and I realized that Gemini was near the back of the park, duh. Well, while I was already at the front of the park I thought I'd ride Iron Dragon (my very first suspended swinging coaster), which only had a 10 minute wait. The ride was uneventful and unnesasarily bumpy. I had expected it to be smooth and comfortable, but the seats were hard plastic. It had the slowest lift of any roller coaster I've ever ridden. It wasn't painfully bumpy, but just enough to be irritating. Then we headed back to the back of the park to, once again, find Gemini. We came across Mean Streak, but didn't ride it, because I have heard so many stories from people I know riding it and getting hurt in some way from the roughness of the ride. I'm not a fan of rough woodies, especially the painful Thunder Run at SFKK. We skipped The Cedar Creek Mine Ride, because it didn't look very fun. We finally found Gemini (my very first racing coaster), which had a short wait. We rode the blue side, and so we lost the race of red against blue. I couldn't believe my sister actually brought her purse on the ride, and the ride op didn't even care. She wasn't even holding onto it, so it almost flew out of the car going down the first drop. I had my hands in the air down the first half of the drop, but quickly put them down to grab onto my sister's purse. Coming out of the helix at the end really throws your head around a lot. Gemini was bumpy, but it was bumpy in a fun way. There was a cool head chopper near the MCBR, well, at least I though it was cool. It scared my sister half to death. She said "why would they intentionally try to make it look like your head is going to get cut off!" Duh, its just fun!!! Gemini was my favorite ride up to that point. Then we went over to Magnum XL 200(my first coaster over 200 feet tall). It had a really short line. The lift seemed to never end. There was an awesome view from the top. I had my hands in the air all the way down the first drop! The ride was really rough, but like Gemini, it was rough in a fun way. I loved the intense airtime near the end of the ride. Magnum XL 200 had become my new favorite ride. I took a picture of my on ride photo insted of buying it.
Then, heading back to the front of the park to meet up with the rest of the group, I rode corkscrew. It had a really boring drop, a high g loop, and 2 corksrews, and that was it. There was lots of headbanging through the corkscrews, so I just pushed my head back as hard as I could while going through the corkscrews. It was probably my least favorite ride. I met up with the rest of the group in front of Wicked Twister, and I said "I can't believe I haven't ridden Wicked Twister yet.", so I rode it. The two people from my group that like to ride coasters said they were too scared to ride it, but I wasn't. I still went on it, and It was fun. It was my very first Intamin ride, and also my very first Impulse coaster. I sat in the very front to get the most backward airtime, but it actually didn't feel like a freefall. It just felt like I was being turned around and around. Then I went to the Snoopy Rocks on Ice show, which I thougt was very impressive. After that I was feeling brave enough to ride Millenium Force. My mom's friend and I were the only ones who wanted to go on it. The wait took forever. It was freezing cold and rainy. People were playing poker while waiting in line, which I thought was funny. It was starting to get dark and rain harder. The lift hill looked really ominous and scary from down below. The ride ops were stacking all three trains, which made the wait even longer. When I finally got to the station, I had to wait while the ride operator tried to get the lights on the lift to work. They just kept flickering on and off, which made the lift hill look even more ominous, like it was in a scary movie or something. I had no trouble fastening the safety belt because I am super skinny, but my mom's friend did, and she is not even very much overweight. She finally pulled it very tightly and got it to fit. That new seat belt policy is really strict if it prohibits people who are even slightly overweight from riding. A group of people who had just gotten off yelled to everyone in the train that I was in to keep their eyes closed after the first drop. I didn't understand why they had said that. The lift was fast, and it was so dark and rainy that there wasn't much uf a view from the top. I started to put my hands in the air, but when the drop just got steeper and steeper I threw them back down and grabbed onto the handle for dear life. At the bottom of the first drop I realized why those people had told me to keep my eyes closed. Going at 93 MPH with raindrops hitting you in the face doesn't feel good. I squinted so the raindrops didn't stab my eyes. I could only open them in the 2 short tunnels. At the end of the ride I wanted to go on it again, but I realized that I would have to wait in line again. I had a weird expression in my on ride photo. I was probably in awe because I was finally riding on the number 1 coaster in the world. After riding the monsterous Millenium Force I would have been ready to tackle Top Thrill Dragster had it not been closed all day due to bad weather. Some people were actually standing in line all day hoping the ride would open back up. There was not much else to do, so I went to Jonny Rockets to once again meet up with the rest of the group and get a milkshake. I went around the park with my sister going on flat rides that I had not yet ridden, and then I realized that I hadn't been on Blue Streak yet. I had forgotten all about it. So with my milkshake only half digested I went on Blue streak. It was a pretty fun ride, and it was more fun than I expected it to be. It had no line, because it was almost 11:00 p.m., closing time for the park. I had also forgotten to get a souvenir T-shirt, so I ran to the gift shop right before it closed an bought one for MF

Post August 3rd, 2004, 12:10 pm

Posts: 4533
Points on hand: 3,318.00 Points
Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Nice report, gives me an even bigger urge to get to CP (although everyone says its crap) Shame about Dragster, i would of headed there first, but wouldnt have queued when it wasnt even open

Post August 3rd, 2004, 1:49 pm

Posts: 791
Points on hand: 3,979.00 Points
Location: St. Augustine, Florida, USA
Those people that think Cedar Point is crap are retards. Cedar Point done a great job on picking out there rollercoasters. They have something for everyone, not just coasters freaks and teens. Good park report! Though I think you should have ridden Mean Streak, you cant judge stuff by what other people say. I mean yeah, its really bumpy, but to me Gwazi at Busch Gardens is more bumpy.

Post August 3rd, 2004, 4:25 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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I recently went to CP 4 4 days, it was cool, I rode all the coasters at least twice except dragster, it was dissapointing, but MF and MXL200 were awsome! Glad to hear you broke your firsts and had fun!

Post August 4th, 2004, 8:14 am

Posts: 434
Points on hand: 664.00 Points
BTW I also didn't ride Mantis, because I had already ridden Chang at SFKK, Which is similar, and the line was more than an hour long all day. I didn't catch a freeway pass all day, but that was okay, because I still got to go on the rides I wanted to go on. Dragster wasn't really closed all day. It actually ran about 20 circuts throughout the whole day, and those poor suckers still stood there in line waiting for it. It was funny, whenever Dragster launched and everyone quickly turned their heads to see it.

Post August 4th, 2004, 9:30 am

Posts: 791
Points on hand: 3,979.00 Points
Location: St. Augustine, Florida, USA
Mantis is a whole different ride then Chang. [;)] Although they are similar, Mantis pulls a ton of more G's and holds them for a while for a coaster. Mantis is a very intense coaster. [:)] I think you need to get to IOA. [:D]

Post August 4th, 2004, 4:02 pm

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA
Those people that think Cedar Point is crap are retards.

Agreed. But anyways, I didn't Ride Top Thrill when I had the chance last summer because I was too scared. A lost opportunity that hopefully comes up next time I go. It seemed to be open for a long time too. But oh well. At least I got to ride MF. I should post that trip report, but it was about a year ago. I probably don't remember anything. Oh, yeah, I gatta get my per. slip so I get a $5 rebate on The Day.

Post August 4th, 2004, 9:56 pm

Posts: 434
Points on hand: 664.00 Points
you can save $10 with specially marked pepsi products, that's what I did.

Post August 5th, 2004, 11:29 pm

Posts: 1536
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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

Post August 6th, 2004, 4:55 pm

Posts: 394
Points on hand: 4,163.00 Points
Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA

Originally posted by Xtreme15

Mantis is a whole different ride then Chang. [;)] Although they are similar, Mantis pulls a ton of more G's and holds them for a while for a coaster. Mantis is a very intense coaster. [:)] I think you need to get to IOA. [:D]

I agree, Mantis was one of the best rides at CP. But im glad you liked MF, to me it was a whole lot better and more worth the wait than TTD, but thats just my opinion. But a very nice report about CP and im glad you had fun.

Post August 7th, 2004, 4:39 pm

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA
Ahh, I plan on riding Mantis and I don't want any g's that'll make me handicaped for the rest of my life.

Post August 7th, 2004, 9:43 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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I dont think MF or TTD are that thrilling, I crave air and well Mantis, even though its a standup twister has some nice quick bursts of air in some unexspectadly heartlining inbetween changing of bankings. However Magnum rules. Over 9 drops.

Post August 8th, 2004, 1:57 pm

Posts: 394
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Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA

I didnt really like Magnum IMO, way too many bumps for my taste, and overall very thrilling for me.

Post August 11th, 2004, 11:18 am

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA
Magnum was ok IMO. But I thought that is should have more hills instead of those contunueous turn, but that doesn't matter. One thing: Never ride it woth a backpack. It destroys the airtime experience.

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