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Wildwater Kingdom (Ohio) Closing Permanently September 5th

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

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Cedar Fair Entertainment Company has announced that Wildwater Kingdom water park in Aurora, Ohio, will not reopen after the 2016 season. Its final day of operation will be Monday, September 5.

Cedar Fair has been working cooperatively with both Bainbridge Township and the City of Aurora to redevelop the entire property into what will best benefit the surrounding communities. After examining its long-range plans, Cedar Fair has determined that the time is right to begin this transition and will continue to work together with community leadership in the positive future development of the property.

Cedar Fair would like to thank the residents of Northeast Ohio for supporting Wildwater Kingdom each summer. ... dom-update

It's too bad that it has to go, but we should have seen this coming considering the lack of new additions for the past several years.

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Rest in peace. One of the best water parks is Ohio. It was always clean, slides were fun, and the wave pool was great. Not to surprising but a sad day, loosing Ohio largest(Intense ones to.) body slides and a classic wooden coaster (theres no way it'll stay after WWK is gone)
All hail your great Arrow Dynamics overlords.

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Think the slides will end up elsewhere kind of like the Astroworld situation?
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Posts: 56
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Well, that is disappointing...At least I managed to get there once this year. Very nice place!

EDIT: This thread just reminded me of a season pass sign over at the changing rooms:

And I was just thinking of buying a 2017 season pass myself! I just wonder how they will handle any online pass purchases from today or yesterday.

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All hail your great Arrow Dynamics overlords.

Posts: 56
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NVM, I went on the online store and their season passes are still listed as 2016:

Screenshot_2016-08-20.png (132.64 KiB) Viewed 1740 times

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