News Feed:
"Tennessee's Lake Valley Amusement Park has announced a new Wing Rider for Summer 2013**. A direct response to Dollywood's Wild Eagle, their top rival park.
**Ride Opening Postponed due to park management misconceptions and ride re-draft. A set back Lake Valley may regret.
The Raven's Revenge.
Said to be one for the Lake Valley record books. Nearly 5,000 feet of track, 6 intense inversions and speeds exceeding 70 MPH over Smokey Mountain terrain. Hang on to your hat, it's going to be a wild ride.
The attraction will interact with incoming guests' at the gate and surely noticeable from the interstate. Will The Raven's Revenge be the ride that puts Lake Valley on the map? That will be up to you once it's open to the public."
So that's the silly back story. If you think of a better name, sling it this way if you like.
Now to the real sheeet:
I chose to use the term "concept" on this project due to the fact we don't have the Wing Rider trains on NL. This ride is to only be ridden in the front row seat positions. It just looks stupid when going to the back cars. I am using the floorless train.
So I took some liberties while building this track. It didn't need to ride perfect car to car, just as long as it gives the right feel in the front rows, that's all I cared about. Therefore, the track work, if dissected, isn't the best or my best, but works enough for me to get this "concept" across. Not looking for high rates, just a fun factor. All inversions except the loop are Zero G elements. Not perfect 0.0 but dang close for a hand build.
I'm using the Wood Magic catwalk sections to build the station, etc., and some Park Pack items. That is what I am working on now. Supports will go up last. Some basic ones are up just to show color contrast when picking ride colors. For now it's a purple/blue track and tan supports. And no it is not because the Raven's won the Super Bowl. I'm an Eagles fan, anyways...It may change. Suggestions are welcome.
Re-Track 100% finished. 100% hand build.
Supports and theme in progress.
Built on a previous NLT template.
General Stats:
+4.5 Gs Max
4,955 ft. Circuit.
6 Inversions
15 mph Cable Lift(Intawood Env.) Not sure how to link .env?
70+ mph
Leaked Blueprints and Construction Photos (apologies for large pics, imageshack changed everything since I last used it, I had to screen cap all the pics cuz NL file doesn't upload anymore?):