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World Series

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Post October 22nd, 2004, 4:53 pm

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^ but soccer is played for 30 straight minutes. There's definatly big strike outs, big hits, great fielding plays in between those 30 minuets, and always fun things during the TV timeout's in between innings, not like soccer when most players are just walking back and forth it seams. Baseball doesn't involve as much running, but you have to run the hell out of you to each base, or to get a ball heading towards the gap, or diving for a line drive if your an infielder

quote from gouldy
"Someone else said football is boring, well, if you don't live in a football country then you are bound to find it boring, Football is all about the passion and the atmosphere, its a way of life not a sport, hahaha ..."

hmm... same here. Baseball is a huge passion to me. Every day when im home from school im hitting tennis balls over the house, or practicing pitches even tho im not a pitcher. I wear alot of baseball tee shirts and jerseys, my keychain for my locker key is all phillies, so baseball is a way of life in america, for me and alot of people

Post October 24th, 2004, 8:44 am
gouldy User avatar
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The better sport would entertain the most people, am i right? Well I think I'm right. So lets look at it like that, 252 countries have a national football team, how many countries have a national baseball team I ask you?

There is a match between Manchester UTD and Arsenal today, its only a league game, nothing specail, but yet the match is still being aired live on television in 174 countries.......does this happen with baseball?, it doesn't.

Another point, why is it called the world series? when it seems to me, although i don't know, that there is only 2 countries....I'm probably wrong, but thats what it looks like. In footballs version of the world series, the world cup. All 252 countries play mini leagues and play offs, for 2 whole years before its finally whittled down to the 32 teams that take part in the actual tournament, THAT is a world series my friend, not 2 teams!

Anyway, I think you lot are bound to find football boring, as "MLS" is so poor quality its unbelievable. Even I get bored watching MLS, which I sometimes do, because I like see if there is any talent that might be coming to England soon. I spotted Tim Howard while he was still at MetroStars, now he plays for Manchester UTD. MLS is so slow compared to the English leagues, the football conference is the lowest English league and yet it is still more entertaining to watch than MLS. But I guess it works both ways, I'm a massive fan of Ice Hockey, when it is played in America that is, because the Ice Hockey league here is just crappy, slow and boring, in the same way football is crappy, slow and boring over there.

Post October 24th, 2004, 9:41 am

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Aired in 174 countries that still do not equal the population of the US, LOL

If you think nothing happens in baseball, and that it is not entertaining, then you surely did not watch game one of the World Series. What a game.

But let's clarify a few things. Baseball is not really a sport, it is a pastime. It was born of a simple game for fathers and sons to play together. It is something EVERYONE can play, and be reasonably good at with a little practice.

There are only 5 real team sports, and in no particular order they are:

1. Football (American Rules)
2. Football (Austrailian Rules)
3. Hockey
4. Rugby
5. Lacrosse

Those are the man's man sports. Soccer (what boring europeans like gouldy call football) is a sport for weenies who can't take a hit. More people will watch An american football game in the US alone than will catch a scooergame worldwide. Not to mention that US Football is televised weekly in 223 countries in all 24 time zones in over 30 languages. World Series Baseball coverage has about the same coverage as weekly football. I have actually watched MLB games in Japan, Thailand and Korea. And these were normal games.

Oh, and Baseball and US Football fans do not go around rioting and killing each other. Another reason why soccer is retarded.

Post October 24th, 2004, 1:38 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Soccer (what boring europeans like gouldy call football) is a sport for weenies who can't take a hit

Agree'd on that point, i watch football (soccer) and see idiots diving on the floor and crying about it when they hardly get touched. However, we have Rugby which is a mans sport and unlike the weenies that play American Football, we dont have to wear big pads and body armour to withstand someone running into. Also American Football is lame imo. Guys line up on feild, throws the ball to some guy who dives onto the floor and the same oevr and over up and down the feild. I find that really boring and lame, like i find soccer boring and lame...come to think of it, i dont like sports period!

Post October 24th, 2004, 1:57 pm

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I hate Yankees to death, Derek Jeter just bothers the hell out of me! The Red Sox are due to win just like Florida was due for a huge hurricane or Tampa Bucs were due to win the superbowl. GO SOXS!

Post October 24th, 2004, 8:31 pm

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Originally posted by torch511

Aired in 174 countries that still do not equal the population of the US, LOL

If you think nothing happens in baseball, and that it is not entertaining, then you surely did not watch game one of the World Series. What a game.

But let's clarify a few things. Baseball is not really a sport, it is a pastime. It was born of a simple game for fathers and sons to play together. It is something EVERYONE can play, and be reasonably good at with a little practice.

There are only 5 real team sports, and in no particular order they are:

1. Football (American Rules)
2. Football (Austrailian Rules)
3. Hockey
4. Rugby
5. Lacrosse

Those are the man's man sports. Soccer (what boring europeans like gouldy call football) is a sport for weenies who can't take a hit. More people will watch An american football game in the US alone than will catch a scooergame worldwide. Not to mention that US Football is televised weekly in 223 countries in all 24 time zones in over 30 languages. World Series Baseball coverage has about the same coverage as weekly football. I have actually watched MLB games in Japan, Thailand and Korea. And these were normal games.

Oh, and Baseball and US Football fans do not go around rioting and killing each other. Another reason why soccer is retarded.

baseball isn't to physical, but when you get hit it hurts. One of my best friends was in the hospital for 2 weeks after getting hit on a line drive, and another broke a sholder after getting hit by a pitch, one slid into second and broke his leg, and were only playing on a 14 yr. old level. Also taking out a 2nd basemen on a shortstop on a double play attempt hurts, i got spiked with METAL spikes in that, almost got stiches. Baseball isn't a sissy sport like people think it is. YEah soccer isn't a real man's sports, cause women's soccer is JUST AS PHYSCIAL, if not worse. Baseball is a man's sports cause softball is alot different (30ft less bases, 200 ft less fence, bigger ball, bigger bats). Softball is hard to, i've faced a 60mph pitch and couldn't hit it at all. Hockey, Rugby, Lacross, they all rock

Post October 24th, 2004, 11:23 pm

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I played military level softball on every level, from unit leagues to leagues that were on the level of semi-pro softball teams. Mostly slow pitch but some fast pitch as well.

As a pitcher, with such a short distance between the "mound" and home plate, it can be a hazardous position. I have broken numerous bones in each hand, including shattering my right hand when I bare-handed a line drive that was shot right at me. (The balls can zing back at you at over 100mph). I have also fractured by right tibia getting hit by a line drive. I have seen broken arms, legs and all kinds of other injuries.

The best I ever saw was not all that serious. My brother was playing in a coorporate league in Los Angeles. A ball with hit into mid left field for a base hit. The runner on 2nd (a girl) rounded the corner and headed for home. The shortstop, who fielded the ball whipped the ball in to home plate, striking the girl square in the back hard. She fell flat on her face, knocking out a tooth. The ball meanwhile ricocheted up into the air, coming down right on the catcher's head, who had lost sight of the ball. The hit on the head knocked the catcher unconcious.

Another pseudo-funny sports injury. A friend of mine was playing volleyball and went up to block a spike at the net. The ball, broke a finger on the right hand. The sudden shock of pain made my friend forget that he was still a couple of feet in the air. When he landed, he landed akwardly and broke his leg. The broken leg caused him to slam into the gym floor, which broke his arm.

Post October 25th, 2004, 9:38 am
gouldy User avatar
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HAHAHA someone said football is a sport for weenies who can't take hits, hahaha, i see, right and what exactly is American football then? A sport in which they strap themselves into tanks and then there is 5 seconds of play where the ball is thrown and someone catches it, then they all stand around for 30 seconds. There is even time for the TV channel to advertise some later programes during the game, how can you call that a sport [confused]. Football (soccer) is the only game really where they are doing stuff, pretty much constantly. The top premiership footballers are the fittest athletes in the world. And yeah, to te guy who said football is for weenies who can't take a hit, then maybe you're right, but you know, same goes for all american sports, because in all american sports where there is contact, they strap themselves into god knows how much padding and shoulder pads and helmets, its ridiculous. If all you want is to grown men taking hits, then watch rugby, even though it is almost as boring as American football, at least they don't wear millions of different pads and helmets and stuff even though its a more physical sport. For instance in rugby, there is "rucking" which involves one player jumping up and down on anopther player to make them let go of the ball......they don't wear pads. American footballers think they're so hard do they, well anyone would seem hard when wearing bulletproof pads! [lol]

Anyway, its not like people don't get hurt in football (soccer) I mean, just last week, Ivan Campo, who plays for Bolton, had to have reconstructive surgery to his face because of a collision with another player. I also attended a wolves game last week, when someone was hit so hard in the face by the ball that they were unconcious for 3 you know, obviously the players aren't all that weenie ey?

Post October 25th, 2004, 10:21 am

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As illustrated already, you can get hurt playing just about any sport. I would challenge that Soccer players are the fittest in the world. Hockey has a much faster pace, you are wearing equipment, and requires a very high level of athleticism. Basketball and Soccer players will actually run about the same distance in a game, which is about 8 miles. Lacrosse MIDI players will run about the same 8 miles, Attack and defenders will only run about 5. They are doing it with equipment. Rugby as well covers a good distance, about 5 miles.

And yes, american football players wear an excessive amount of padding. If you think that the padding stops, or even somewhat lessens the impact of the hit, you are sadly mistaken and have never played the game. I would love to strap you into a full set of pads and have you run a few plays. As the padding has gotten better over the years, and the players have worn more of it, there have been an INCREASE in the number of injuries. Why, because the hits are getting more and more vicious.

I have played soccer, it is OK to play, and obviously if you live in a country where that is the only sport around, you are going to watch it, they just do not realize that there is something better out there.

I do not think though, that any american would argue the point that soccer, on any level, is still a wussy sport. Call a spade a spade. If you like it, fine, but c'mon... GIRLS play soccer with alomst an identical set of rules.

By the way, If I had to vote, Rugby is by far the most brutal. Having played it for a good number of years in military semi-pro leagues, and comparing it to other sports I played, it took a much higher degree of man-ness to play.

Post October 25th, 2004, 12:14 pm

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Oh man, i love to play rugby. Usualy when i played most of the guys would be smaller than me (not that size matters) so i would jsut rampage down the feild destroying everyone in my way, well not exactly. Usualy after the first 2-3 people dodge you get about 20 people pile on top of you and find yourself at the bottom of a massive heap of people. For some reason the pain of getting hit by so many people is plain fun. Its almost like you have a total disregard for your body when playing rugby, and why does nothing ever hurt until the morning after? [lol] Anyway i beleive the topic had something to do with Baseball

Gouldy -

Post October 25th, 2004, 12:36 pm

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Yeah they are up 2 games to 0. WOOO HOOOOO!

they are going to get the bigger trophy like they said they were going to do!

Post October 25th, 2004, 4:12 pm

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"Football (soccer) is the only game really where they are doing stuff, pretty much constantly"

^haha all they do is walk back and forth, and someone kicks a ball back and forth like 80% of the time. And football players wear pads, well cause having a 6'8" 350 pound guy hit you full force will hurt even with pads. You never have been hit by someone that big to learn to understand why they wear pads. Hockey players wear almost the same pads, and get killed the same amount (i've worn and played full contact in both sports). Am. Football is a great sport, they sit around for 30 seconds to make a play call, and it's for good reason. Soccer they just play in the mid field for 10 minuets, kicking the ball right to the other players.

"Its almost like you have a total disregard for your body when playing rugby"
that's how i play alot of sports, i've had a huge cut and kept on playing baseball untill the umpire took me out, and almost everyone thinks that way in any sport.

Post October 25th, 2004, 4:43 pm
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I like how you guys can stay on topic, I personally like the sport of boxing. Knocking the crap out of someone has always entertained me. Although when I get knocked around it isn't fun [lol] After that I have to say soccer, there's more to it, more movement, than playing for 5 seconds and stand for a minute like in football. I've played both and enjoyed soccer more over football. I've also played hockey, that's a vicious game [lol] I am not going back to it, who knows what was going on in my brain at my early age to play it.
Back on topic.

Go Boston!

Post October 25th, 2004, 5:01 pm

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we have another topic on the series, this has turned into the sports *friendly* war, i should just change the topic name

Post October 25th, 2004, 6:34 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I like weeweeslap even more now [:D] what can I say, the man has taste [lol] Anyway, I was watching the Baseball last night, determined to try and get into it and I can see why you find it entertaining I guess, but I still wouldn't spend money to go see it I don't think. I guess I'm really not bothered who wins, it seems to me that the real entertainment in watching basbeall comes from listening to the crazy comments that that crazy fat guy comes out with........can't remember his name, the grey haired commentator for ESPN.....ahwell, him anyway, he's kinda dumb, well I say kinda I mean HELLA! [lol] he provides some fun [;)] I don't know what happened in the end because I fell asleep halfway through, thats not me suggesting its boring again, its just because it was 3:20 AM

Anyway, SOX is a stupid name so hey, I hope they win [lol]

Can I just return to something said earlier, I said that one league game of "soccer" in england was going to be shown in 174 countries live on tv, this was not a special event, just an ordinary league game, the reply was...."Aired in 174 countries that still do not equal the population of the US, LOL" this is not true, the population of those 174 countries equalled 2.2 Billion, and indeed one of the countries was the US hahaha. The final viewing figures were 455 million (these are English numbers, you Americans have a different system don't you?). Anyway, remember this was just a normal league game, nothing special, if we go back a few months, the F.A.cup final was broadcast in all 252 countries that appear on the FIFA world football rankings and practically every other minor country on the planet (you know, like crappy islands with populations of like 45 [lol]) and was watched by almost a billion people(thats a million, million), and hey, thats just the football in ENGLAND alone, every other established country in the world has "soccer" teams which are broadcast on the televisions of that country and probably a few others, for instance in England, on our tv's we are shown my favourite league in the world, "The J league" which is the league in Japan. Worldwide, there is so much more football than any other sport, when you think that almost evey single country has a national football team and most of them supporting at least 100 club teams aswell, thats A LOT of football. You said that American football went out to 223 countries every week, well my argument would be that no one watches it, I mean, it is shown in this country and I know for a fact that no one I know watches it, I bet with all of those 223 countries put together, it probably still only pulls an audience of about 200 million and thats including the people who watch it in the US so shhhhhh [:P][lol]

Post October 25th, 2004, 6:54 pm

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Baseball sucks...Hockey should come back now, I miss it :(

Post October 26th, 2004, 10:22 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by Fornication Nation

Baseball sucks...Hockey should come back now, I miss it :(

[V]I know, we have to wait so long and I just can't........I'm off to play NHL 2005 on the XBox, i guess thats as good as we can get for now [V]

Post October 27th, 2004, 11:52 pm

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