Ive had to rely on GFA passing it on to weeweeslap as i dont have his email. The email is in his profile but it is the site email system, so i cannot attatch the files. I asked GFA to show it to WWS, so he will. Looking forward ot the email i am expecting!!!!!!!
I wanted to download the template to see what i could do and i cant get the template, if jpecool or tcon can send it to my email i shall be a happy person.
yeah, i know, we should change it by like a week or 2, that will definately give enough time, unless the email doesnt come soon. I will email GFA, to ask if he got my email, because my internet is pretty poor, so i better check! lol
No worries ... we can go mid Feb -- that is actually better cause I will be out of town from 4-8 Feb, so changing to like the 15th would work out MUCH better for me!!
yep, i will. Hopefully it will be sometime in the next week. The I will have had most of my exams finished by the time the tracks will need to be rated, and will be able to rate thoroughly!!!! lol. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, 2 french exams in a day!
i hope this competiton will still be going becuz this sounds so bad a$$ and i want a huge competition....and i have a ? will extra points be awarded for extra support work?
yeah they will i think
We are just waiting for a confirmation OM from weeweeslap at the moment
TConwell, can you pm WWS and ask if he got the competition email form GFA?