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WWE Raw Fans??

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Post March 22nd, 2005, 12:36 pm

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Not sure if anyone is a fan of WWE Raw here? The kids and I went last night in Birmingham and had seats in Row 11. Lots of good digital pics but before I wasted the bandwidth I wanted to see if anyone wanted to view a couple ...

Here is one ... This is Batista with Triple H's belt (not seen on television - it was a "dark match" following the broadcast consisting of Triple H and Edge vs. Batista and Shawn Michaels. [:D]

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Post March 22nd, 2005, 12:43 pm

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I remember when i used to be in to this sort of stuff, but i grew out of it. It isnt that big over here. But i here it is quite popular there with people of all ages.

Post March 22nd, 2005, 1:07 pm

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I always hated it, since its all scripted and everything. Even the idiot who comes onto to the stage and has his ass kicked by a wrestler is acting.

Post March 22nd, 2005, 1:12 pm

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Post March 22nd, 2005, 1:19 pm

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Most is fake - but at any rate it is entertaining (which is all it really amounts to).

Besides, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY: Being the parent of teenage kids means -- if my kids are into it, and I can spend time with them while they are enjoying it, then you can wager every (and I do mean EVERY) dollar you will ever earn in your life I am gonna be into it as well. It is called being a good parent and being involved in my kids' lives. ;-)

Post March 22nd, 2005, 1:29 pm

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Yeah and its good that you are! Like ive always wished my parents liked coasters!

Post March 22nd, 2005, 1:58 pm

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or you could call it promoting violence. if i had kids and wanted to be a part of their lives, i'd go play monopoly.

Post March 22nd, 2005, 2:27 pm

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Originally posted by coaster992001

or you could call it promoting violence. if i had kids and wanted to be a part of their lives, i'd go play monopoly.
Sigh ... you are so petty it is almost sad. I feel sorry for you.

But, if you have kids one day you can talk to me and/or give me your opinions about parenting and raising children in today's age. Until then bull-turd-breath, kindly keep your petty, unthoughtful, uneducated, and almost disrespectful comments about how I raise MY children to yourself.

JPE ... "thank" you my friend.

Post March 22nd, 2005, 4:48 pm
gouldy User avatar
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ECW, UFC, JPWF all much better. WWE is poop and always has been, I've never been much into wresteling, thought it was pretty stupid to be honest, but I did like ECW before WWF crippled it ... bastards. I still like and watch UFC because its just pure brutality, kinda like boxing for REAL men and the JPWF jeeeeeeeesus christ, them Japanese folk need to calm down a bit, used to make for some bloody fun watching though. I like those 3 because they're not fake, well ECW was but it was a lot more extreme than WWF. UFC and JPWF are just insane and even cringe worthy at times, you gotta love the Ultimate Fighting Championships though, two men in a cage literally kicking the crap out of each other, you win by knocking your oponent unconcious, what could be more natural than that [lol] ..... amazing. Seriously though, WWE is major gayassrammage, in a way its just a dance really isn't it, like ballroom dancing or some poop, cus its all coreooreroeoorergraphed (hope noone realised I have no idea how to spell that word)

But, about the whole kids, bringing up, bla di bla thing. I think quite often, the only way you can conect with kids is to do something they enjoy and you can't help what they enjoy can you, no matter what you say about something, if they enjoy it then they enjoy it don't they. So if connecting with your kids means going to the wrestling, then by all means do so, aslong as they know the difference between fighting in a ring like that and fighting in the street, aslong as they know the difference between right and wrong basically. Don't think its promoting violence at all to be honest.

Post March 22nd, 2005, 4:52 pm

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[lol] I used to love wrestling back in 1998-2001 I went to see several events with my father and were good days out. We never got as close as you did though Conwell [lol] I envy you, you must of been sitting by the phone calling as soon as ticket sales opened. I remember being around when Owen Hart fell from the rafters about 60ft and landed on his neck on the rope...and died...good days! I dont see them pulling stunuts like that anymore. Anyway i stopped watching Wrestling when i sold out and joined with WCW as it was back then. Them wrestling just got boring and crappy. But still makes me laugh when i watch it occasionaly. Its funny how fake it is, but still

Post March 22nd, 2005, 4:58 pm
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I have a little brother that watches it religously on SkySports, I remember him showing me a tape of some Payperview event, Christ knows what it was called, possibly SummerSlam? well anyway, I watched it and I was quick to point out the Rock, cutting himself with a blade after an aparent chair shot [lol] quite funny to be honest. My brother who honestly believes its all real, was very embaressed and said it was just to add effect [lol]

Post March 22nd, 2005, 5:09 pm

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I remember when i went to see wrestling, i think it was Triple H got hit by a steel chair, and the 'blood' on his head was bright read..i mean really bright red [lol] Obviously blood capsule, they cover up the colour well on TV though

Post March 22nd, 2005, 5:17 pm
Oscar User avatar
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for a mmin there I thought the topic title said WWS Raw Fans [lol]

Post March 22nd, 2005, 5:40 pm

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Post March 23rd, 2005, 8:40 am

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I love WWE Raw. Batista is my favorite wrestler. I saw them live this year in Minneapolis, oh man that was cool. [:D]

Post March 23rd, 2005, 1:18 pm

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Originally posted by The Edge

I remember when i went to see wrestling, i think it was Triple H got hit by a steel chair, and the 'blood' on his head was bright read..i mean really bright red [lol] Obviously blood capsule, they cover up the colour well on TV though

I remember videoing the "Armageddon" special event, and saw Rikishi go straight through the cage at the top. I always used to want the Rock to win but Steve Austin always used to come on and beat him. I remember falling out with my friends cos the Rock was better than Steve Austin and Scotty too hotty, but no one else thought he was, lol.

coaster992001, you obviously dont know what kids are in to. If my parents said hey im not gonna be interested in your stuff cos its too violent, lets play monopoly, i would actually laugh in their faces!!!!!! I dont think many kids would want to stay inside and play monopoly. lol. Like my parents are taking me to London tommorrow, cos im in to all performing arts stuff, so we are going to see a show.

BTW TJ, hows the Rock doing. Just interested, lol. I stopped watching it about 3 years ago, when i watched Wrestlemania. That was the last show i saw!

Post March 23rd, 2005, 9:38 pm

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So fake....but it's so funny! Like comedy central! :D

Post March 24th, 2005, 7:52 am

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Cant beat that hell in a cell match at i think it was 'Unforgiven' with The Undertaker Vs Mankind (Cactus Jack/Dude Love/Mick Folley) Fake or not falling over 20ft from the top of the cage onto the Spanish commentry desk must of hurt like if he had missed his landing zone, there could have been some crippeling injuries. Not only that but in the same match he was again chokeslammed through the op of the cage to the mat about 20 ft below. Mankind was again chokeslammed onto thumbtacks and even tombstoned pile drived onto the his pay check must of been high for that match

Post March 24th, 2005, 9:08 am

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One of the most classic matches ever, Edge!

As far as The Rock ... he is pretty much gone from WWE. Movies became the focus and although there is always talk about a return, personally I highly doubt it will ever happen.

Anyway, here are a few more pictures:

Triple H:
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Randy Orton:
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29.68 KB

Chris Benoit and Edge:
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32.56 KB

Kane Entrance:
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Post March 24th, 2005, 7:20 pm

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Man Tconwell for hating harmless pranks about religious beings you want your kids going around hitting their friends with chairs. Talk about a damn hypocrite. As far as the WWE goes I've never been much for watching lathered up & 75% naked men fondle themselves on national televison. The women may be another story but you can see other hotter women with about as much clothing or less anywhere else but if its your and your childrens thing then I don't want to ruin a father son thing.

Post March 24th, 2005, 7:55 pm

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I think what makes it fake is that the outcomes are predetermined. The physicality for the most part is quite real. They can do without the whole soap opera type storylines and those stupid bra and panties matches and lingerie pillow fights, those are just plain retarded.

Post March 25th, 2005, 2:53 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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It's much better live then it is on TV, let me tell you. I went to one during the Summer and the Rock showed up, so that was cool. But the ending was kinda anti-climatic with Kane marrying whats her face, (hows that plot coming along?)
And anyways, it was really fun.
Man Tconwell for hating harmless pranks about religious beings you want your kids going around hitting their friends with chairs. Talk about a damn hypocrite

I found that prank very offensive, and immature. Besides, I'm sure TJ has done a fine job in raising his kids with proper values so they don't go around hitting kids. It's not hypicritical at all, they're 2 totally different things.
P.S, I'm going to scan in my pics from when I went tomarrow, and I'll show you some of what I saw.

Post March 25th, 2005, 9:16 am

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Its not hypocritical in the sense that he went and did the same thing after he said it was bad but what he and his children are supporting is 10x worse than anything I did. Pulling a harmless prank whether it may be offensive or not get over it. Its not like it cost anyone their life unlike children trying to be like those idiots on tv and do wrestling moves on each other even though what the wrestlers do on tv do is fake they do the real thing and people get killed which costs a life. Since I'm not sure what your intelligence is seeing as it has been proven that some kids will do some of these things to each other, I'll put it the most simplest form I can.
Harmless prank on an internet webpage or children wrestling in the back yard and dropping other kids on their necks which could cause death. Tell me which you think is worse and I'll give you a little hint its not the 1st one.

Post March 25th, 2005, 5:50 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I'm sure if TCON's children were doing that stuff, he'd end it immediately. Just because you watch wrestling doesn't mean they do that sort of stuff. TCON knows what he's doing, and I'm pretty sure if he felt his children weren't mature enough to know its just entertainment, and they shouldn't be doing that at home, then he wouldn't let them watching. Watching a little TV doesn't hurt anyone. But making a prank using Religious simbles and being retarded is annoying, and above all immature.

Post March 25th, 2005, 6:10 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Ok, I don't know what this is about but its got something to do with religon so hell I want to join in!

I don't want to take sides here or anything, but Blue Thunder is sort of right, because I'm not sure it matters how well children are brought up, they will immitate what they see on TV, don't you remember when you wanted to be like the Power Rangers?, maybe not the Power Rangers, but I'm sure at some point in your childhood, you saw something with violence in it which made you think "God I'd love to try that" or "I'd love to be good at that" and then maybe try doing some silly karate move on a pillow or something. People who wrestle in their back yards only take that one step further and it can lead to serious injury regardless of your upbringing, it is just natural to immitate what you see around you as a child. Whether TConwell would have put a stop to it is besides the point because it only takes one wrestling gone wrong move to hurt or even kill someone. I don't care what the religious prank was I can garantuee TConwell would prefer some retard to make some joke about a relgion on the internet than see his kids get hurt.

Having said all that though, I made an earlier point in a post on the last page, that it is important to connect with children through something that both the parental body and the child are interested by and if that is wrestling, then it is important that as a family you can watch wrestling together. So I guess you were both right in some ways, but honestly DUDE, if you are offended by something some retard said on the internet then you need some mental help or something. Regardless of whether it was taking the piss out of something that is very colse to you I.E. your religon, its still just some guy who you're never going to meet or be forced to talk to, so just ignore it, honestly.


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