Today I'm at SFMM. Just rode X2, and it was terrible. I waited 4 hours (It broke down twice), for a ride that is approximately a minute long of being punched in the back of my head. I sat it the back of the train on the outside. I felt so beaten after it, I've decided to go back to the hotel for a few hours. So here I am. Basically, I'll never ride it again. I don't care if they turn it into a X3, never again.
Before X2, everything was pretty great. I got first train, back seat of Goliath. Then headed over to Terminator Salvation: The Ride (Amazing). Then got to ride Deja vu - or however you spell it - in the back row - for the first time, as it is usually closed. Almost got on Superman, but that broke down just as it was almost our turn to ride. That is it though, 4 rides.
The park is very very packed today, lines as long as I have ever seen them and I've been too SFMM 7 or 8 times before. However, after a short break here at the park, I plan to head back around 8:30. I want to swim in the pool here for a little bit, and shower before I go back out. I plan to ride Batman and then Goliath before the park closes. Expect a small trip report with some pics/maybe some video, probably on Monday when I get back to AZ.