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xmas,hanukkah, kwanza presents

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post December 25th, 2005, 10:42 pm

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Originally posted by Jakizle

luckies^^^ I thought my dell was cool lol. Im on it now though. After like 5 houra i finally got the wireless network working. Ive heard alienware is greatjosh, i hope its true. I;ll get that pic uploaded after i take a shower at halftime of the viks game.

i forgot to say my gp got me the rest of the money i need for an xbox 369, and i got mot wanted. Happy Holidays everyone!

did you get the xbox 360 with the harddrive support or without it

Post December 25th, 2005, 10:48 pm

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the 400 buck deal is what will be getting. It saves you 130 in accesories. When you buy the core and then all the xtras it comes out to 530. I hope to have it early jan. Approximately 20 minutes ntil i get the pics!

Post December 25th, 2005, 10:55 pm

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I got my big present: Western Digital 320 GB Sata Hard Drive and my little present: Call of Duty 2. Playing COD2 on 5.1 Surround Sound is amazing..."GET THE JERRIES!.....LOOK OUT, POTATO MASHER!"

Post December 25th, 2005, 10:57 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by jcf1

I got an xbox 360 3 games for it (COD2,PGR3,Need For Speed Most wanted)and second wireless controller an iPod nano and some stuff for it. Oh yeah I also got the $165 National Geographic Atlas Of The World which is AWSOME!

You're a dumb spoiled bitch.

I got a Mobiblu DAH 1500i. If I was you, I'd say "that's it." and not be thankful for what I already have.

Originally posted by circask8r264

-architecture in helsinki cd

There's a good thinker! Your music = kickass

Post December 25th, 2005, 11:05 pm

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God you kids are spoiled cunts! I can't wait until the real world hits you.

*car battery
*wireless keyboard/mouse
*various cloths
*NEW MOUSE PAD!!!(highlight)

Post December 25th, 2005, 11:23 pm

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Image Insert:
13.1 KB my dad orderd the R/C car i wanted (Traxxas Nitro 4-Tec RTR, it hit 60+ mph w00t! [:)]) and i also got
?????????nerf big bad bow
?????????nerf dart tag
?????????hot wheels cyclone chamber
?????????hot wheels Stunt Racer Challenge
?????????Saleen S7 Diecast model
?????????Lego Ferrari 430 Spider

Post December 25th, 2005, 11:39 pm

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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

i'll just link some info about what i got cause im too lazy to upload pics and get my memory stick from downstairs.


Post December 26th, 2005, 1:22 am

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i got myself an ipod nano, mario kart ds, a few dvd's, and a bunch of clothes

Post December 26th, 2005, 2:33 am

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Post December 26th, 2005, 2:40 am

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I didn't ask for much either, I just wanted to make sure that my niece and nephew had a great Christmas this year. But I did get what I wanted - the complete first season of He-Man and The Masters of the Universe on DVD. It's a beatiful box set, plus it comes with two collectible art cards. I loved that cartoon as a kid; I'm going to get season two when it comes out! [:D]

Post December 26th, 2005, 3:20 am

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Originally posted by coolbeans326

Radeon x700 Pro 256 mb
Half Life 2

BEAST Kyle, HL2 Pwnz. Now you can play CS with Patrick and I. [:D]

Post December 26th, 2005, 4:02 am

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Well, the older you get the less games and in general other stuff you get.

But I got a
-4 megapixel Camera and a 512 mb SD card
-1 GB of Ram
-Mr. & Mrs. Smith
-SW:Ep 3 (for audio and video purposes cuase the movie plain downright sucked)
-A bunch of chocolate
-couple of sweathers
-A new headset with mic

havnt gotten my expected Best Buy Cards/ Checks from the relatives quite yet. So that should provide for some gifts I wanted. (Sin City DVD and BF2: SF.)

Post December 26th, 2005, 1:49 pm

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Here what I got for Christmas.

-Red vs. Blue Season 3 DVD
-A Caboose beanie
-A new CD wallet
-A hooded sweat shirt jacket.
-A Monty Python t-shirt
-Xbox Live
-Sound Blaster Live sound card
-A Blockbuster gift card

My grandparents gave me F.E.A.R. and one of my aunts gave me a $40 gift card to Best Buy. I spent it on Call of Duty and a He Is Legend CD.

Post December 26th, 2005, 2:06 pm
gouldy User avatar
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1GB memory stick PRO duo for me PSP,
GTA:LCS for the PSP,
Pro Evo 5 for the PSP,
Fujifilm A370 5.2 mega pixel digital camera + 256mb memory stick,
Soccer AM DVD II (Wolves ay on it, AGAIN!),
New jeans,
and about ?????????30 in gift vouchers.

Then all the usual jipe, like underwear and socks and stuff [lol]

Got everything I wanted [:)]

Post December 26th, 2005, 2:55 pm

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^ I GOT MY PSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY.

Is it just me or are loads of people going, "oh i didnt get much......." and then making a list of a huge pile of stuff that must have cost easily over ?????????300!!!!!!! [lol] I had to pay partly towards my PSP!

Anyway i got my PSP with 1GB Pro Duo memory stick, WOOP. Ive already got so much coaster footage on it! lol. Oh and i got a new wallet from my sister (with no money in [:(] [lol]) and a decent shirt from topman (shes trying to make me wear all this stuff she wants lads to wear!) Thats what i got. Oh and some chocolate from my sis' BF.

Post December 26th, 2005, 11:24 pm

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Ok a little late but here it is i didn't get alot because of the price of the stuff...

-PSP!!!! with Burnout& Wipeout pure!!!!
-A new LCD 22' TV
-$110 to bestbuy!!!

Post December 26th, 2005, 11:45 pm

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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

yeah same situation here rrollergod..but you got some pretty kick as stuff.

Thank you JPE!!! Ive had my PSP sence marh and have no coaster footage!!! Im going to put atleast 30 minutes ( i have 256 mb) of footage on l8r. Thanks for the idea!

Post December 27th, 2005, 1:45 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Lol I had no idea you could put that stuff on a PSP!

Post December 27th, 2005, 1:57 am

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Everything i got was for Sports (Running XC & Indoor/outdoor track)

except for this![approve]

and now i just have to wait 2 days untill i find out what i'm getting for my birthday! 29th baby!

Post December 27th, 2005, 2:46 am
Oscar User avatar
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I got $300 and more liquor, as if I need more loquor [lol]

Post December 27th, 2005, 4:41 am

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Is there such a thing as having to much liquor?
Have to save up for emeregecy purposes.

Post December 27th, 2005, 7:48 am

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

I got $300 and more liquor, as if I need more loquor [lol]

You've obviously had too much cos now you cant spell. [:p][:)] Im putting Peter Kay on my PSP! YAY

Post December 28th, 2005, 3:31 am
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by Coaster indavidual

Is there such a thing as having to much liquor?
Have to save up for emeregecy purposes.

you would not believe the amount of liquor I have saved up...

Post December 28th, 2005, 2:45 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ [lol]
Anyways, SFMM decided to give me a present yesterday when I went to go get my pass. I gave them $150 for the $125 pass, and I was suppose to get back $25 dollars in change, and instead I got back $70!!! So that's like a $45 profit. So it was a nice rebate on my pass. [:)]

Post December 28th, 2005, 2:48 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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If they only had 40 more dollars they would have gotten another coaster along with Tatsu...


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