My favorite thing about it is the dock, because I almost always have programs I'm running maximized and can't reach the desktop shortcuts, so extra keystrokes and mouse movements are required to get to the program I want, whereas on a mac, one click and I'm there
---have you tried to use the taskbar? Click the program name on it and boom, you're there in just 1 click.
Second, I am a sucker for animations, so the mac's "genie" animation when you close a window really draws me in.
---In all windows computers that I have used, and I've used them since 3.1 was around, when I closed a window, it would close right away and let me continue on. Why uhmm delay me in watching in animation?
Third, there are simply too many options on a Windows computer. I recently bought a new graphics card for my Windows machine, and it took a week to find the best one. A day later I went in for more memory. That took an hour.
---what's wrong with options? It sucks not being able to chose IMO. Communism! If it took you a week to find the best one then the problem is not the computer, but maybe you're too slow to google for video card reviews [:)] As far as RAM, took me 5 minutes last time I went. Told them what laptop I had and in 5 minutes I was checked out with new RAM [:)]
Finally, Apple makes products that outperform anything else in the personal music industry.
---No comment since I am not making my own music.
My iPod Touch, however expensive, is literally hundreds of times better than any other touchscreen device I've messed around with, and even my iPod Mini I had before it kicked all other mp3 players' butts.
---Stay on topic, mac's [:p]
My personal belief is that Macs are for people who could care less about computer games, and more about easy-to-use, straight-forward productivity.
---I couldn't disagree more. I never use my laptop or PC for games. All productivity. I've tried mac's and they simply are uhmmm weird when used for productivity.
As far as the virus comment. People are going to make virus programs for 97% of the world's computers. It makes more sense. It's much more profitable! Why would anyone code something to go after 3% of the computer using people? It doesn't make sense from any view point. Unless Microsoft made the virus to say f-u Mac's