as far as i know when i read this then after only 3 weeks of having it i must be hooked.... but i'm hooked on coasters anyway...
but yes i get a lot that is mantioned i do... hihih
but i think your hooked on nl when : You mimik the movemant of the coaster on the screen when it goes left and right and up and down...
and your eaven more hooked when : if you do the movemants and you get the feling of the actual g's in your body ex. when you go over a hump you feel coming out ouf your seat...
the strange thing is i do al of those...
when i see nl sim or when i see a coaster vid i can feel the same fellings you get on the real coaster , even if you hav'nt been on that coaster befor....
i think it means that peeps like that know that mutch about coasters that the feling becomes natural...
and yes i've vallen asleep when riding a coaster 8 times after 1 another....
i just love coasters hahhahhahah lol