You play NL too much if:
-You try to ctrl-G your telephone cord (inb4 you might be a Flintstone if your phone still has a cord)
-You find yourself drawing coaster trains on the graphs of polar and parametric curves in Calculus class. Bonus points if you try to recreate said graphs in No Limits.
-You wonder if the graph of a sine function has airtime.
-You try to build a K'nex roller coaster by building the track first and you wonder why the track doesn't magically float
-You also wonder why real coaster designers start with the supports first instead of building the track first (it floats in real life too, right?) and then the supports.
-The sole reason you go to college and major in engineering is so you can make your No Limits coaster designs a reality.
Originally posted by Bombsquad
You know you play NoLimits to much when you're watching a POV on Youtube and you press '+' when going up the lift to go get to the exciting part.
-Especially so if instead of watching a POV, you're riding it for real
-you're me