make the entrance peices before you want the flip pure red...then make the inversion ssection pure green....if thats does not work ....then make the filter higher!
do not make anything black....unless your ntrance seg. or exit. seg are turned which the should not be cause they shouyld be straight....filter about 800
I turned the inversion section pure green and the entrance and exit to the inversion pure red and set the filter to 800. But when I loaded the result in NL the inversion never inverted. Lol.
I have done that tutorial like 1000 times. It's great for making straight zero-g rolls. But not for making inclined zero-g rolls.
then increase speed input....the heartline generator calculates it as an overbanked turn and it needs to be re shaped lower and a little more curved....increase spead if needed
The AHG rebuilds the track using the input track as the heartline for the new track -- thus radii will change. You need to compensate for this by making valleys slightly tighter than usual, and hillcrests slightly larger. Your other problem is that you banked the zero-g incorrectly. It should start banking sooner, so that the speed of the rotation increases, then decreases when the track unbanks.