T: They all passed E-Stop. All Coasters aren??t as smooth as they should be, the SLC and the Boomerang are also in real rough rides but in ur reacration they are a lot more jerky. I could use the heartline too build more smooth rides, Goliath and Lost Gravity are in real a lot smoother and also they have a differtent shape. The G??s are ok but u have some moments were they are too high. The Supports are mostly prefab or modified, this isn??t a bad thing but u have the B&M connectores instead of the Vekoma??s or Intamin??s (on Lost Gravity u have used also the right connectores).
A: I like the rides at Walibi Goliath and Lost Gravity are great rides and I just love them. Robin Hood is a good woodie but not such a Adrenalin ride as some off the others, the other Vekoma??s are also good rides even though they are just clones.
U: U did a good Job with recreate them, but u could done it better coz some parts didn??t look like they should do.
RE: The Problem here is that the coasters are jerky and also that u have used the wrong connectores.
RV: I like the coasters at Walibi Holland, Lost Gravity is such a cool ride and Goliath is just a classic Intamin Mega Coaster.
If u build a coaster in nl2 it would be better if u use the heartline as spline Position and not the Center of rails. Goliath Drop has a 4-Tube-Track and not the 3-Tube.
De hele verzameling walibi Holland coasters op 1 groot terrein, dat is wat ik zoek. Mooie banen, ook de Goliath in de nieuwe kleuren ziet er goed uit. Mijn complimenten voor deze verzameling.
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