Technique: Rock solid! Really, only remark I can think of is that the turn into the station is a bit under-supported.
Adrenaline: Lots of airtime for sure. I did feel the ride could have paced a bit faster in some areas. Probably a more compact layout or more scene objects to give a better sense of speed would have helped.
Uniqueness: Really nice set of elements, especially the double drops and double ups were a sweet addition.
Realism: This thing could have been built by GCI irl for sure!
Rider value: Overall a fun and intense Rollercoaster. Definitly worthwhile!
Having just returned from Germany/Netherlands and riding Troy and Wodan this interested my greatly, and you certainly didn't disappoint! Had all the makings of a GCI, great latearls, some reasonable airtime and those quick direction changes that come at you faster than you can realise! Some parts felt a little stretched out perhaps, but it was only a minor gripe in reality. The surrounding area was nice although a bit bland, the interactive 3DS peices were a nice touch!
this track was absolutely amazing, well worth multiple rides from both the front, back and middle. You 100% captured the GCI feel on this coaster, the supports perfectly reflected their style. You caught the laterals the way that would be expected in their coaster. Only thing i would change is getting a tiny bit more speed.
This was incredible and probably one of the best GCI designs I've ever seen attempted in NoLimits. A lot of people disregard GCI's incredibly unique shaping styles- but you just about nailed it.
The building technique was great. You had sharp changes between pull-ups and crests, just as GCI does, and the banking shapes felt very real. The trackwork was smooth and your layout was smart and purposeful, which is another aim to designing that many designers seem to bypass. I like how you successfully implemented some references from Renegade, like the S-Bend, which you designed perfectly, and the first turnaround. Some of the transitions did seem a little diluted for GCI, but it didn't detract severely from the overall quality.
Your support work was fantastic. I saw some custom touches in there and it really adds to the authenticity, so props to you for that work. The layout felt so realistic, especially with your station fly-by. I like how it incorporated the transfer track and station at the same time, and then the pull-out of the fly-by and the remainder of the layout felt so natural and GCI-like.
There's plenty of that gentle GCI airtime and plenty of that savage GCI lateral ruthlessness. This is truly something to be proud of. My Rider Value and Adrenaline rates are a little bit lower because it is on the tame side, but your strength in this design is in the sheer authenticity and your ability to give a tame ride an intriguing layout. Bravo.