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Track Description
American Coaster Enthusiasts (ACE) often arranges for members to ride coasters in the dark and tonight you have a special ride in store for you. Today is opening day for this new coaster, or shall we say opening night. With the exception of sandbags no one has ever ridden this new coaster from Woodride Productions, until tonight.

Ghostrider is a creation that spawned from one of my favorite songs by Rush. This coaster will take you through intense drops, although it has been built with smoothness in mind to give an ultimate ride without having to spend so much time worrying about watching the lats.

Your environment should be selected to "Starry Night" and the cars have been auto selected for you from one of the No Limits versions of PTCs.

Some general information for your use:

Track length: Approx 2,466 feet
Maximum Height: 90 Feet
Maximum Speed: 68 k/hr
Maximum Sustained Airtime: -1.4 G
Transport: 2 trains of 6 cars each - PTC 4 Seater

Enjoy your ride tonight on Ghostrider!
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Premium Member
May 8th, 2005
this track was as smooth as it could possibly be... holy cow, how'd you do that? wow...the turns were "pumpless' and even if the bottoms of hills and transitions between elements wern't like "10" perfect, they were really really good for sure..the overbanked turns were perfect force wise, but maybe not as realisitic for a wooden coaster 9/10
the adrenaline was above average not like hard core enthusiasts only, but like adventurous family...realistic and practical...7.5
the layout wasn't generic , it had nice twists and stuff there was a nice speed builder turn before the drop, and that wild sweeping turn!!it was an above average layout, not a straight line, but not super twistedeither, but nice layout, and realisticly engineered too.... 8
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Oct 24th, 2006
whoops, double posted by accident and now i need at least 75 characters.....
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Oct 24th, 2006
You complained that i under-rated this...i dont remember even rating it after i rode it, or if i did, i dont remember giving any kind of low rate...
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Jun 23rd, 2005
Tcon you have hit another one right, banking was a little on the extream but I still like the ride.
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May 12th, 2005
I like this ride, this is a good woodie. I think the extreme banked turns, drops and tunnelwork, and the supporting is very well done. Good Job!
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May 12th, 2005
Nevermind ... fixed this comment since I am done laughing now ... [lol]
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May 11th, 2005
T: I still struggle with giving a good rating with a wooden coaster with overbanked turns. Although you did a good job keeping the G's in check, it just didn't feel right. This was most evident in the fast and furious section right before the break run in which there are two very quick extremely banked tranitions that really whipped the train around. I am not sure if Intamin's woodies have over banked turns or not, but again, your turns just seem to abrupt for my comfort. That said, the support work was great as usual. I did notice a tree sticking through the tunnel on the first turn to the lift though FYI.
A: This ride had great pacing. The flow and variety of elements was very nice and the ride was as fun in the defualt sunny environment as it was at night.
O: This was a better than average twister with a few nice elements (I liked the long straight drop in the last tunnel) that made this stand out a bit.
Overall, I feel that this was not your best work, but still much better than most.

Why are there so many nodes on this ride? Does it have to do with the heartliner? I am using the Gravimetric studios construction kit and am wondering if there is something better out there.

Edit: Apparently I'm not getting enough sleep lately as I swear I saw a tree sticking through the first tunnel, but another look showed that I was wrong. Sorry about the dillusion, I'll try and get some help for that.
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May 10th, 2005
Sho 'nuff coaster ... except what made it look SO precise is the Auto Heartline Generator (AHG) ... not Elementary. ;-)
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May 10th, 2005
lol.. i KNEW i'd get a pm about that rate. elementary is easey to use if you get to know it. that's why so many people use it. if it were hell, people wouldn't take the time to make coaster after coaster with it. its just like NL, it takes practise and getting used to, but once you have the hang of it it's easey. i don't use it because of the fact that i absolutally hate math. it just completely takes the fun out of trying to make a coaster. yes the result is fun, but math is hellish lol. but hey, if you dont mind taking the time to learn it like you took the time to learn NL then it gets easey fast. [;)]
May 10th, 2005
T: el track en si no esta demasiado mal, pero tiene cosas que no me gustan. En general, el dise?????????o es muy bueno en mi opinion, algo finalmente innovador. No obstante, y aunque la fuerza g permanezca constate, tiene algun que otro bump en los giros, y especialmente premio al TRIM brake de abajo, que hace que lo estropee todo y mas al ir a esa fuerza de frenado. Los giros overbanked, aunque puedan ser algo irrealista, son realmente buenos.

A: Explosivo en cuanto a thrilling, bueno en velocidad, bueno en intensidad. Es una buena coaster en cuanto a adrenalina se refiere, especialmente me encanto el overbanked

O: Tu track se me hizo original, en general el dise?????????o es algo innovador con los overbanked (si, tercera vez que lo nombro), y con algun giro que lo distingue, asi como una maindrop muy pronunciada y original. Poco mas que a?????????adir
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May 10th, 2005
This track was certainly smooth, although I'll question the abrupt transitions into the overbanked turns. I also question the need for this many overbanked turns; it got kind of "more of the same", despite the fact that there's not much new to be done with wooden coasters, and not much need to do lots of different things. for technical, because of the smoothness of the track, I think it deserves high marks, although those abrupt transitions and the lack of customized supports at crossovers and to hold up the overbanked turns means it's not quite perfect. For adrenaline, it slows down a couple of times. I always forgive a wooden coaster for slowing down once. At the same time, NL has problems with various kinds of trains and their length, so the slowdowns might not occur IRL. More, though, the adrenaline, for me, just didn't keep up because of the repetition. It's original! I'll grant that. But like another coaster you did, I could wish for either turns or straight lines.... The little tiny turns just bother me for some reason. In all, however, a nicely done ride, which I think would be better served with the single seat trains (but then overall speed would be slower).
May 10th, 2005
BTW, i had a look a elementary, and its really really complex. I take everything back from what ive said about it. You have to be pretty clever to make a track with it. So i wouldnt rate down for it. Its up to other people how they make there own tracks.
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May 10th, 2005
Heh ... coaster, thanks for the honest rate. Now, if Elementary is so easy to use, I shall be waiting to see one from you then, shall we say, in a day or so? ;-)
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May 9th, 2005
okay. how the hell are these elementary tracks getting such high ratings? yes they're pumpless but elementary is just as easey to use as no limits itself, it just takes time to learn. this ride although pumpless due to elementary has more problems than i can count.

every transition in the ride was harsh, sudden and rough. you REALLY need to work on those. why are there breaks at the bottom of the drop? you have insane banking that although is possible with proper supporting, does not have proper supporting for the forces generated. the changes in direction are anything but smooth and are either done way too fast or just jerkily(if thats a word). then you have supports intersecting the track on every overbank turn which would easily cause a derailment or the train would chop right through the WOOD support and create a structural failure. then on the last turn the trains intersect eachother on the bottom which as we all know, is very NOT possible. this in the real world would cause the train to stop dead in its tracks depending on how much inertia / momentum it has. just because a track is done in elementary definatly should NOT mean it automatically gets high ratings.

adren: amazing adrenaline! just spread out the ride a bit more so the transitions are easier its a very, VERY violent ride so that does take from the adrenaline, but the chaos fo the layout is terrific!

orig: it's much like your other rides. you seem to have a general pattern in style and it works, but it's certainly flawed when it comes to making realistic rides. however, your rides do stand out from other people's rides so i guess that makes them origional?

overall: you need to work on this a LOT more, fix the supports, smooth out transitions, etc. this ride still has days of work ahead of it.
May 9th, 2005
Well i really liked this ride, i thought it was very nice, although i do agree with some of the things people have said before.

Tech: Very nice technically, almost technically perfect, there are only 2 problems i really found and that is all. Firstly the ride was mainly very very smooth, although i did find some transitions were slightly harsh, tight, and 1 or 2 had a few slight twitches. Nothing really bad though, added to the adrenaline a bit, especially the tight turns. Also as Intamin Fan said that last turn is slightly too tight aswell. I would prefer to see 2 seat trains on this ride, purely because they could hand some of the tighter turns easier i think. Other than that, very very nice. [:D]

Adren: This is where the ride really lost points. It just didnt seem as fast as it should have been. Pacing lagged a little, especially in one of the overbanks, and on top of a helix. Also it could have supplied a little more air, and i would prefe some laterals, but i am not taking off for that as i dont think you were aiming for lats or anything. I kinda thought you were aiming for a new feel, so didnt take off much. Anyway, it was still pretty thrilling, the first drop was really fun. Well done

Orig: An interesting layout i have to say. I would have prefered it to go faster, and then you make the necessary changes to make it safe, and then it would really prove how cool the layout was. It kept me guessing most of the way through. Just a shame the ride want faster in the middle.

Well done man. Was a fun ride, just make a few like this but slightly faster, and with less harsh transitions and it will be perfect. And include a few lats aswell as overbanks. [:D]
May 8th, 2005
Pretty smooth track. The only technical problems were that some of the transitions were a bit sudden. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but the sudden transitions on this ride were transfering into positive gs, rather than lateral g slams which are easier to tolerate. It didn't seem to flow very well, probably because there were so many segments used when running the track through the AHG. I've seen other designers use this many segments, but I have absolutely no clue how they can keep the track flowing just as well as when using 15-20 ft long long segments. Another technical problem I saw was that on the turn at the end of the ride after the final brakerun the cars bent into each other. It was just slightly too tight of a turn.

The adrenaline was where you lost the most points. It kept a decent pace for most of the ride, but there were almost no lateral gs at all, which really hurt the score here. The ride also slowed down a bit too much in one or two places, but I didn't take much off for that. The main thing that you lost points here was for the lack of lateral gs. The overbanks were a neat idea, but to get laterals in them the train would have to take those turns at a much higher speed. Still, the adrenaline was slightly above average.

Good job on the originality. I added points for the overbanked turns, since I've only seen one person use them on a wooden coaster, and its not like a wooden coaster can't handle them or anything. I took off a small amount of points because the layout wasn't as organized as I would've liked. It seemed as if the turns were too far away from each other, rather than making some turns closer into the main layout of the ride for more excitement. It wasn't a big problem, just something that I don't particularly like on coasters, so I didn't mark you down much for it. Overall though I liked the layout, it wasn't really anything special besides the overbanks, but I liked it.
May 8th, 2005
T: Well, there are some good thing and some bad things to say about this track.
The good - pretty smooth, well controlled g's
The bad - The GCI trains would have been much better suited for this track with the highly banked turns and whatnot. During the transitions the wheels and parts of the wheels assembly come through the bottom of the cars.
I also noticed that there was some custom supports in spots, while other sections of track/supports were left hanging out in the air to dry.
One last comment, why do you not put the handrails and walkway in the tunnels? I notice most people who build woodies don't re-check those options. It would be a really risky job to inspect those tunnels.
And I'm not sure how you missed it, but I do believe I saw one tree poking through the handrails...

A: There was some nice airtime and some good positive g's, good job. One thing I would like to comment on though are the quickness of the transitions. They gave me a big "ouch" feeling rather than "WEEEEEE". I think if this coaster was built slightly bigger (105-120' tall) to accommodate slightly bigger transitions it would much more enjoyable.
There were also two spots where the train slowed down quite a bit which killed a tiny portion of the adrenaline, but not much.

O: You have a pretty decent layout here, some turns, some hills..blah blah blah..I'm not really sure what to say for this one, hah. Maybe add a nice cartexture to spice it up a bit? I did like the color you picked for the wood though.

Overall, you did a pretty decent job on this other than the things I commented on. Looking for to your next track...perhaps you will take on a project that resembles Thunderhead next?
May 8th, 2005
Wow, that was a rush! Excuse the pun. very original in my book. My only concern was the banking in some spots because correct me if I'm wrong but do woodies have these elements that extreme? Other than that I liked the lift hill and the tunnels. Great one!
Average Rating


Track Detail
By TConwell
Uploaded May 8th, 2005
Simulation NoLimits Coaster
Track Style NL - Wooden
Category Realistic
Downloads 252 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 11
Likes 0
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph