Kings Island King Cobra 1.1
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Track Description
This coaster is an update to my recreation of the now defunct King Cobra at Kings Island.

In this update I used all custom supports where as the first was about 90% prefab. After studying may pictures of this coaster and recalling from the hundreds of times I rode it I believe each support is accurate to the real thing. Another update was that it uses a cartexture that has the King Cobra logo on the front of the train, just as the coaster did in its hayday. The red g's at the end in the camel backs were worked out, and the improved friction (v1.6) is used.

Please rate this coaster and give me any and all feedback possible. I would like to make at least one more update. The final update should hopefully make the rails alternating green and yellow as the coaster was in its final days, possibly include trees and fix any bugs that are mentioned in this update. Also, since much of this coaster had catwalk along side it, do you believe it would look better with the wooden catwalk that can be added, or with no catwalk at all (other than the lift).

Please note that all of the statistics of this coaster are exactly accurate to those on the roller coaster data base for the King Cobra:

RCDB King Cobra:
Top Speed: 50mph
Maximum Height: 95ft
Length: 2219ft

NL Track:
Top Speed 49mph
Maximum Height: 95ft (from statistics graph of altitude)
Length 2219.46ft

PLEASE NOTE: Because the only standup coaster in NL is the B&M style 4 accross, the steel looping coaster is used. I believe that the aesthetics of the steel looper are much closer to that of the Togo track used in the actual coaster itself. Please do not comment on the fact that the trains are seated.

As I said I would like to make this coaster as accurate as possible so any and all comments and ratings are greatly appreciated.
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Feb 13th, 2007
It was a really bad track and cedarjunky can't rate for beans.
May 22nd, 2007
Don't let those guys get you razzed up. I learned a long time ago that many of the users on here can be pretentious asses. I have rode the Cobra a ton in it's hayday. One could argue a couple rough techinical spots but overall it is a good recreation. In fact, the best I've found for NL so far.

As for contructive advise. I'd have to say the first transition into the helix seamed a bit fast.. The angle was a pretty quick change.

Good luck and keep the recreates coming. Those are by far my favs..
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Feb 22nd, 2007
This is way off from the real thing. It might look sort of the same but when riding the ride was too pumpy and had loads of G problems. The turn right after needs to be a bit steeper producing some airtime wile entering the first drop. The helix (Horizontal loop) was designed with the effort that is given in the design of a doughnut. The hill right after needs to be more parabolic to produce some airtime. Those small Hills just before the turn into the brake, well let me start: way to pumpy there is no way that I would have ridden the real thing if it looked like your?????????s do. The crests were too sharp and each one had this major bump on top producing red ?????????v G?????????s. The colors chosen was a bit too bright in contrast.

This is the only stand up roller coaster I?????????ve ever ridden I know that the real ride wasn?????????t too pleasing but your?????????s kill people lots and lots of people.
Feb 17th, 2007
I once chatted with gerstlaurcrazy and coasterstreak at the same time and they were typing simultaniuosly so how could they be the same person.
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Feb 15th, 2007
Thedoorsfan, get over it. I've been accused of being CoasterStreak on this site, but I'm pretty sure the fun has worn down. You just have to get over yourself and will end soon =]

I personally did not think the rec was good, nor do I care, hence I won't be giving numbers. I can't really tell you how many suggestions on getting better with recreations, because you should be able to evaluate that from the ride itself, but making your own creations will give you help, because people notice the originality and need to imporve.

Good luck with whatever happens with this in the future.
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Feb 14th, 2007
This is ridiculous, I'm looking for help and tips on how to improve this coaster. Not looking for "your track and recreations are stupid." Nor am I looking to stuff my coaster with good ratings. If you want to offer tips for improvement, please, all are welcome(thats what I'm looking for). If pessimism and mean criticism is your game, please dont comment.

Thanks to everyone who wants to help!

And yes, cedarjunky and I are roommates.
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Feb 14th, 2007
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Feb 14th, 2007
Thedoors fan and I are roomates at UC and we share internet. Yesterday we were snowed in in cincinnati and he showed me no limits and this website.

And I still think that for a recreation this coaster was very well made and that you guys are just posting out of spite.
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Feb 14th, 2007
A quick note to cedarjunky. Staff can view the IP address of all members. In fact, the track exchance shows us the IP of the person and posted the track and also the IP of the commenter. As you may or may not know, every computer has it's own unique IP address. Personaly I sure would feel stupid if I didnt know this fact and went around rating my own tracks, and then go about insulting staff members
Feb 14th, 2007
This ride sucked more than OJs mother with a shopvac, it pumps and jumps and realigns mine spine in about 5 directions. I slammed my face on the grab bar from that hard stop.

You had really bad transitions, I know the ride in real life was kinda goofus wonkus, but it wasnt totally chuffing ghetto like you have it.

How the hell did you rate this as a 9? This isn't even worthy of being posted on freewebs.
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Feb 14th, 2007
WTF are you talking. You're a complete idiot. Have you ever even ridden the King Cobra. Then dont say anything. This is a recreation with emphasis on realism and closness to the real thing. As far is this goes, this coaster is spot on. Dont rate a f*cking recreation if you've never ridden it.

Way to go doorsfan on a great recreation, good luck in the future.
Feb 13th, 2007
good but recreations are getting boring
even tho i love this coaster
start to make up ur own ideas

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Feb 13th, 2007
Wow, well done. This coster reminds me of the actual coaster exactly. Obviously lots of work. Good job getting all the stats. In the future, adding catwalks would be great. I look forward to a future update.

Its a shame that this coaster no longer stands. Good Job!
Average Rating


Track Detail
By thedoorsfan71
Uploaded Feb 12th, 2007
Simulation NoLimits Coaster
Track Style NL - Steel Looping
Category Recreation
Downloads 152 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 4
Likes 1
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph