TylerE wrote:
Yawn. This ride is a synthesis of everything wrong with B&M.
Perhaps you should consider that the 8-across trains (instead of ten) are not the ultra-huge ones because of the rolls would be taken too quick.
The only thing I'm disappointed about is that the leaked layout actually was accurate, and I'm still not 100% on board with the color choices they have been making lately (Rougarou looks depressing when it's cloudy compared to the older more happy but faded colors). I like the concrete work and sign that might be part of a new side entrance they're putting up as well. Should be a really fun ride. We'll be able to get excellent views of this ride from inside the park. Shame the location prohibits a tunnel.
We shall see if this becomes another "down due to winds" attraction.
Also lol at Raptor's teensy looking cobra roll compared to this.